This page last changed on Feb 01, 2007 by bowens.

This page will guide you through configuring your WCS service.

The WCS service only has a few options that you can change for different functionality. To find the WCS configuration page, navigate to Config -> WCS.
There you will find two options: Content and Description


The content page allows you to enable or disable WCS as a whole. By default you will want this enabled unless you do not plan to host any coverage data.

The second field on that page is the Online Resource. This is a link that points to a location that describes your WCS service. It should be filled in but doesn't have to point anywhere in particular.


This description page is just like the description pages for WMS and WFS. It contains several fields of not-critical information about your coverage service.
The fields are:

Name The name of your service. eg. "My super WCS"
Title The title of the service. Same as the name really
Access Constraints None by default. Currently there is free, or not available.
Fees None is the default. There is currently no way to collect fees directly in GeoServer
Maintainer The person or ogranization that is managing this service. You should put your web page link here
Keywords Keywords that describe your service. eg. "water, roads, satellite, Europe, Estonia, WCS, GeoServer, WMS"
Abstract A description of your service, what it provides, and what it is intended for
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 16, 2008 23:27